
AZO Yeast Plus Dual Relief Tablets, , FSA/HSA Eligible, Yeast Infection and Vaginal Symptom Relief, Relieves Itching & Burning, 60 Count

Product ID: 1361530



Say goodbye to discomfort! 🌟 Your relief is just a pill away! Invest in your health with eligible spending options. Gentle on your system, perfect for sensitive users. Experience dual action for yeast infections and vaginal symptoms. Harness the power of homeopathic ingredients for balance. Simplify your routine with a single, effective tablet. Homeopathic formula Convenient pill Women-focused relief AZO Yeast Plus Dual Relief Tablets offer a comprehensive solution for women experiencing yeast infections and related vaginal symptoms. This homeopathic formula combines effective relief for itching, burning, odor, and discharge in a single, convenient lactose-free pill. Recognized by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, it supports your body's natural defenses while being FSA/HSA eligible for easy health investment.

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