
Crock-Pot6 Quart Programmable Slow Cooker with Timer and Auto Food Warmer Setting, Stainless Steel

Product ID: 160077991




🍽️ Slow Cooking, Elevated! Easily serves 7+ people with a generous 6-quart capacity. Modern stainless steel design that complements any kitchen decor. Dishwasher-safe glass lid and non-stick ceramic coating for hassle-free cleaning. Programmable timer with high/low settings for ultimate convenience. Automatically shifts to Warm setting to keep your dishes at the ideal temperature. 6-Quart Capacity Programmable Timer Easy Clean Non-Stick The Crock-Pot 6 Quart Programmable Slow Cooker is designed for the modern home chef, featuring a spacious 6-quart capacity that can accommodate a 6 lb. roast and serve over 7 people. With programmable cooking options and an automatic warm setting, it ensures your meals are perfectly cooked and ready to serve. The easy-to-clean non-stick ceramic coating and dishwasher-safe glass lid make post-meal cleanup a breeze, while its sleek stainless steel design adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen.

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