
I Dig...Monsters Popsicle Pack - 1pc Collectable ASMR Toy | Fun & Cute Stress Relief Toy - Styles May Vary

Product ID: 200620701



Fun feels and cool reveals! I Dig… Monsters is the cutest new range of collectable figures inspired by designer toys and the spine-tingling world of ASMR! Slice, grate and peel your way through the smooth, cold, and wet popsicle until you find Monji! Dunk Monji in icy water to reveal a cool (and sometimes funny) color change surprise! There are 28 stylish Monji looks to find this season, in various rarities and special finishes. Which Monji will you find? Each pack includes (1) popsicle vessel, (2) popsicle stick tools, (1) Monji figure in water wax, (2) shape cutters, and (1) collector's guide.

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