
Ecore Fun 23 Pcs 18 Inch Girl Doll Travel Suitcase Play Set for 18 Inch Doll, Including Doll Clothes Suitcase Backpack Camera Pad Cell Phone Neck Pillow Glasses and Other Travel Set

Product ID: 212257982



✈️ Pack your imagination and let the adventures begin! An ideal present for birthdays, holidays, or just because! Elevate playtime with a chic suitcase that mimics real travel gear. Dedicated support for a seamless purchase experience. Easily store all accessories inside the suitcase for on-the-go fun. Encourages creativity and fine motor skills through interactive play. Includes 23 travel accessories Realistic toy camera 8.9 x 1.7 x 3.5 in suitcase The Ecore Fun 23 Pcs 18 Inch Girl Doll Travel Suitcase Play Set is a comprehensive travel-themed playset designed for 18-inch dolls. It includes a stylish suitcase and a variety of accessories that promote imaginative play, creativity, and fine motor skills. Perfect for gifting, this set ensures hours of fun while also providing a practical storage solution for other toys.

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