
3 PCS Metal Tongue Scraper, Tongue Scrapers for Adults, Stainless Steel Tounge Scrappers, Tounge Scraper, Portable Tongue Scrappers YLYL

Product ID: 222903927


🦷 Scrape Away the Ordinary! Dual carved handles for a comfortable grip and effortless use. Curved design ensures you can clean every part of your tongue. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel for a lifetime of freshness. We stand by our product with a commitment to your satisfaction. Transform your daily routine with our premium tongue scrapers. Curved Design 5.03" Length Stainless Steel The 3 PCS Metal Tongue Scraper set features high-quality stainless steel construction, ergonomic dual carved handles, and a curved design for effective tongue cleaning. With sizes tailored for different needs, these scrapers promise a lifetime of use and improved oral hygiene.

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