
CeraVe Anti Itch Moisturizing Lotion with Pramoxine Hydrochloride | Relieves Itch with Minor Skin Irritations, Sunburn Relief, Bug Bites | 8 Ounce

Product ID: 27776768




Say goodbye to itch! 🌟 Your skin's new best friend awaits. Infused with Hyaluronic Acid for ultimate moisture retention. Experience soothing relief in just 2 minutes! Contains 3 essential ceramides to restore your skin's natural barrier. Developed with dermatologists and NEA Seal of Acceptance. Enjoy up to 8 hours of itch-free skin. Dermatologist developed Lasts 8 hours Relief in 2 mins CeraVe Anti Itch Moisturizing Lotion is a dermatologist-developed formula designed to provide rapid relief from itching due to minor skin irritations, sunburn, and bug bites. With a lightweight, non-greasy texture, it absorbs quickly while delivering long-lasting hydration and restoring the skin's natural barrier.

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