
Kinhank Super Console X Pro,117,000+ Classic Games Retro Video Game Console,Gaming Systems for 4K TV HD/AV Output,Dual Wireless 2.4G Controllers,Up to 5 Players,Gift for Men(256G)

Product ID: 297825075



🎉 Unleash the Gamer Within! Gather your friends and family for epic gaming sessions with support for up to 5 players. Enjoy peace of mind with comprehensive after-sales service from the manufacturer. Dive into nostalgia with over 117,000 classic games at your fingertips. Easily connect to your 4K TV and start gaming in minutes. Powered by the upgraded S905X chip for smooth gameplay without lag. 117,000+ games Up to 5 players 1080P HD output The Kinhank Super Console X Pro is a retro video game console that boasts over 117,000 classic games and 70+ emulators. It features 1080P HD output, supports multiplayer gaming for up to 5 players, and comes with dual wireless controllers. With easy setup and dedicated customer support, it's the perfect gift for gaming enthusiasts.

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