
4-Pack Inkless Hand and Footprint Kit - Ink Pad for Baby Hand and Footprints - Dog Paw Print Kit,Dog Nose Print Kit - Baby Footprint Kit, Clean Touch Baby Foot Printing Kit, Handprint Kit (Jet Black)

Product ID: 329783749




👣 Capture the Moment, Cherish the Memory! Lab-tested, 100% baby-safe ink for peace of mind. Ideal dimensions for tiny hands and paws. Premium ink and film for stunning detail. Includes 12 art cards for endless creativity. Capture precious moments without the mess! 12 Art Cards 100% Baby Safe Inkless Imprint The 4-Pack Inkless Hand and Footprint Kit allows parents to create beautiful, mess-free imprints of their baby's hands and feet, or even their pet's paw prints. With a unique zero ink contact method, this kit ensures no residue is left behind, making it 100% safe for babies. The premium quality ink and film guarantee stunning details, while the included 12 art cards provide ample opportunity for creative keepsakes. Perfect for marking milestones, this kit is a must-have for every new parent!

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