
Crock-Pot 7-Quart Slow Cooker, Portable Programmable with Timer, Locking Lid, Stainless Steel; an Essential Kitchen Appliance, Perfect for Families and Gatherings

Product ID: 383275414



Cook, Carry, Conquer! 🍽️ Locking lid prevents spills, making it ideal for potlucks. MyTime technology ensures your meal is ready when you are. 7-quart bowl serves 7+ people, perfect for gatherings. Flat digital control screen for easy scheduling and adjustments. Auto-adjusts cooking cycles for perfectly cooked meals. Leak-proof Lid Programmable Timer 7-Quart Capacity The Crock-Pot 7-Quart Slow Cooker is a versatile kitchen essential designed for families and gatherings. With its personalized cooking feature, leak-proof locking lid, and large capacity, it ensures your meals are perfectly timed and mess-free. Made from sustainable materials, this slow cooker combines functionality with eco-friendliness, making it a must-have for modern kitchens.

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