
Gas-X Extra Strength Gas Relief Softgels with Simethicone 125 mg for Bloating Relief - 72 Count

Product ID: 3911200


🚀 Say Goodbye to Gas and Hello to Comfort! Feel like yourself again in minutes—because life is too short for discomfort. Experience rapid relief with Gas-X's powerful 125 mg simethicone formula. Softgels designed for on-the-go convenience—no more awkward moments! Safe for adults and children 12+, ensuring everyone can enjoy relief. Join the millions who trust the #1 doctor-recommended anti-gas brand. 125 mg Simethicone Fast relief in minutes Doctor-recommended Gas-X Extra Strength Gas Relief Softgels provide fast-acting relief from gas and bloating with 125 mg of simethicone. This trusted, doctor-recommended brand offers a convenient solution for adults and children aged 12 and older, ensuring you can tackle your day without the discomfort of gas.

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