
Ribbonbonbox Money Box For Cash Gift Pull – Money Roll Pull Out Surprise Box with Gift Card – Unique party event for Men, Birthday, Graduation, 50th 60th 70th Mothers day Gifts for Women bouquet

Product ID: 405855433



🎁 Elevate Your Gifting Game with a Touch of Surprise! Includes a customizable pop-up card for heartfelt messages. Perfect for any occasion—birthdays, graduations, or just because! Features a stunning black design with a transparent lid and red roses. Crafted with durable materials for timeless elegance. Transform cash gifting into a memorable experience! Elegant Design LED Lights Cash Surprise The Ribbonbonbox Money Box is a unique cash gift pull-out surprise box designed to make gifting cash an unforgettable experience. With its elegant design featuring a transparent lid and LED lights, this money box is perfect for any occasion, allowing you to add a personal touch with a customizable pop-up card. Made from durable materials, it ensures that your thoughtful gift will be cherished for years to come.

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