
Dishwasher Magnet Clean Dirty Sign, Strong Universal Dirty Clean Dishwasher Magnet Indicator for Kitchen Organization, Slide Rustic Farmhouse Black and White Wood

Product ID: 406122365



🧼 Keep it Clean, Keep it Chic! An ideal present for housewarmings, weddings, or just because! Effortlessly switch between CLEAN and DIRTY with a smooth slide. Perfect for dishwashers, laundry rooms, and more—includes adhesive stickers for non-magnetic surfaces. Clear acrylic window ensures longevity while showcasing the chic design. Rustic black and white design complements any kitchen decor. 7x2 inches Rustic design Strong magnets This Dishwasher Magnet Clean Dirty Sign measures 7x2 inches and features a rustic black and white wood design protected by a clear acrylic window. It includes strong magnets for easy attachment and bonus adhesive stickers for non-magnetic surfaces, making it versatile for various kitchen and laundry appliances.

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