
Cuisinart Deluxe Outdoor BBQ Prep Table

Product ID: 460430398


Take your BBQ game to a whole other level with the Cuisinart Deluxe Outdoor BBQ Prep Table. This outdoor prep table equips you with everything you need to bring the kitchen outside. The Cuisinart Deluxe Outdoor BBQ Prep Table will make you re-think what is possible when cooking outdoors! * STAINLESS STEEL WORKSURFACE: The work surface measures 36" x 22", providing plenty of space for prepping meats, vegetables or fish. * SINK AND FAUCET: The seamless stainless steel sink is equipped with a faucet that connects directly to a standard garden hose. The drain pipe allows for disposal of sink run-off. Ideal for washing hands or food while cooking. * STORAGE SHELVES: The two storage shelves below the work surface provide plenty of space to keep grilling essentials handy. Great for storing plates and silverware before serving. * FOUR WHEELS: The four swiveling wheels make moving the table effortless. Two of the wheels lock, ensuring the table will stay right where you need it. * TRASH BAG HOLDER: The trash bag holder accommodates standard tall kitchen bags and is ideal for easily disposing of food waste while prepping. * PAPER TOWEL HOLDER: The paper towel holder holds a full roll of paper towels, allowing you to keep them handy while grilling.

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