
Baby Handprint and Footprint XL Size Kit,2 Pcs Baby Handprint Ink Pads with Clean-Touch & 6 Imprint Cards Safe for Baby Keepsake,Pet Paw Print

Product ID: 466270619


🎉 Cherish Every Tiny Moment with Our Keepsake Kit! 🎉 Simply press and reveal a keepsake in just three easy steps. XL ink pads provide ample space for perfect prints every time. An ideal baby shower gift that every parent will cherish. Our Clean-Touch technology ensures no ink touches your baby's skin. Create lasting memories of your baby's tiny hands and feet. Includes 2 ink pads & 6 cards Clean-Touch technology XL ink area 12.5*8 cm The Baby Handprint and Footprint XL Size Kit includes two clean-touch ink pads and six imprint cards, designed to safely capture your baby's handprints and footprints without mess. The large ink area (12.5*8 cm) allows for easy and perfect impressions, making it a thoughtful keepsake gift for new parents and pet owners alike.

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