
Tongue Scraper for Adults by HOKIN (2Pcs Oral Care Pack) Stainless Steel Tongue Cleaners Reduce Bad Breath 100% Metal Tough Scrapers Men and Women Hygiene Product

Product ID: 490610368




🪥 Scrape Away the Ordinary – Embrace Freshness! Ideal for smokers and anyone seeking fresher breath. U-shaped head minimizes gag reflex for a smooth experience. Easily glides from back to front, ensuring thorough cleaning. Transform your daily routine with medical-grade stainless steel. Discover the secret to confidence with every smile. Long-lasting Bad Breath Buster Stainless Steel The HOKIN Tongue Scraper for Adults is a 2-piece oral care pack made from medical-grade stainless steel, designed to effectively reduce bad breath and improve oral hygiene. Its unique U-shaped head minimizes the gag reflex, making it suitable for everyone, including smokers. Experience a long-lasting solution to a cleaner tongue and fresher breath.

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