
BARWABoy Doll Clothes 5sets Boy Doll Clothes 2 Pairs Shoes 1 Pair Glasses Compatible for 18 Inch Boy Dolls Outfit

Product ID: 49792909


🎉 Dress to Impress: Elevate Playtime with Style! Includes 5 unique outfits to keep playtime fresh and exciting. Designed specifically for 18-inch boy dolls for a flawless fit. Each piece is meticulously crafted for a premium feel. Crafted to last 3x longer than standard doll clothes. Comes with 2 pairs of shoes and stylish glasses for ultimate flair. 5 sets of outfits 2 pairs of shoes 1 pair of glasses The BARWABoy Doll Clothes set includes 5 stylish outfits, 2 pairs of shoes, and 1 pair of glasses, all designed for 18-inch boy dolls. Each piece is handcrafted for durability and a perfect fit, ensuring your child's playtime is both fashionable and fun.

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