
Microsoft Xbox Wireless Controller Shock Blue - Wireless & Bluetooth Connectivity - New Hybrid D-pad - New Share Button - Featuring Textured Grip - Easily Pair & Switch Between Devices

Product ID: 533141432




🎮 Level Up Your Game with Style! Experience seamless gameplay with a refined design. Capture and share your epic wins with the new Share button. Easily switch between Xbox and mobile devices. Textured grip for enhanced comfort during long gaming sessions. Custom button mapping for a tailored gaming experience. 23 customizable buttons Bluetooth connectivity 40-hour battery life The Microsoft Xbox Wireless Controller in Shock Blue combines cutting-edge design with advanced features, including a hybrid D-pad, textured grip, and Bluetooth connectivity, allowing gamers to enjoy up to 40 hours of gameplay across multiple devices. With customizable button mapping and a dedicated Share button, this controller is designed for both comfort and performance.

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