
Kids Walkie Talkies Toys for Boys: comedyfun Mini Robots Walkies Talkies 2 Pack Halloween Christmas Birthday Gifts for 3 4 5 6-8 Year Old Boys Toys for 4 5 6 7 8-10 Year Old Camping Outdoor Games

Product ID: 548027772



🎉 Adventure Awaits with Every Chat! Push-to-talk simplicity for endless fun. Built to withstand the wildest adventures. Gift-ready for birthdays and holidays! Perfectly sized for little hands! Hear every giggle up to 1000 feet away. 1.96 x 1.27 x 4.6 in 1000 ft range 6 AAA batteries These Kids Walkie Talkies are designed for ages 3-10, featuring a compact size, lightweight build, and a robust communication range of up to 1000 feet. Made from durable ABS material, they are perfect for indoor and outdoor play, making them an ideal gift for any occasion.

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