
Sophia's 18" Doll 3 pc. Boy Doll Green Long-Sleeved Shirt with Blue Trim, Flannel Cuffed Jeans, and Cognac Brown Penny Loafers

Product ID: 54847430


👗 Dress to Impress: Where Imagination Meets Style! Trendy outfit that mirrors your child's style! Designed for both boy and girl dolls, mix and match with ease! Perfectly tailored for 18" dolls, fits Sophia's and more! Encourages creative pretend play for endless fun! Durable materials ensure long-lasting playtime adventures! Green Long Sleeve Shirt Flannel Cuffed Jeans Cognac Brown Loafers Sophia's 18" Doll 3 pc. Boy Doll outfit set features a stylish green long-sleeved shirt, flannel cuffed jeans with green stitching, and cognac brown penny loafers, designed for imaginative play and perfect for both boy and girl dolls. Ideal for mixing and matching with other outfits, this set is a must-have for any doll enthusiast!

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