
JARLINK Over The Door Organizer Storage, 5 Shelf Hanging Door Organizer with 5 Large Capacity Pockets, Anti Tilt 44 lb Load Behind Door Organizer for Bedroom, Bathroom, Pantry, Nursery, (Grey)

Product ID: 561516330




🛠️ Organize Like a Pro—Your Space Deserves It! Larger pockets and see-through mesh make finding your essentials a breeze. Reinforced stitching and built-in side cardboards ensure stability, even under a hefty 44 lb load. Assemble in just 30 seconds with specially designed hooks for hassle-free installation. Transform clutter into organized bliss with 5 spacious pockets and additional mesh side pockets. Perfect for any room—bedroom, bathroom, nursery, or pantry—this organizer adapts to your lifestyle. 44 lb Load Capacity 30 Sec Assembly 5 Large Pockets The JARLINK Over The Door Organizer is a versatile storage solution featuring 5 large capacity pockets and additional mesh side pockets, designed to hold up to 44 lbs. Its reinforced structure prevents tilting, ensuring stability and easy access to your items. Perfect for any room, it can be set up in just 30 seconds, making it an ideal choice for busy professionals looking to maximize their space.

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