
CHMI Under Eye Patches (50 Pairs) - 24K Gold Eye Patches for Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles, Eye Bags and Wrinkles, Collagen Skin Care Products, Beauty & Personal Care

Product ID: 590807316



✨ Unveil Radiance, One Patch at a Time! ✨ Stimulates collagen for firmer, smoother skin. Perfect for home, office, or travel relaxation. Individually packaged for on-the-go pampering. Harness the power of antioxidants for youthful skin. Say goodbye to dark circles and puffiness! 24K Gold Essence Deep Nourishment 50 Pairs The CHMI Under Eye Patches feature 50 pairs of luxurious 24K gold-infused masks designed to combat dark circles, puffiness, and wrinkles. Enriched with collagen and plant extracts, these patches provide deep nourishment and anti-aging benefits, making them a must-have for anyone seeking to rejuvenate their eye area effortlessly.

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