
Modelo EspecialSignature Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Tap Handle 10"

Product ID: 70187878


🍺 Tap into Tradition with Style! Designed with a 3/8" threaded hole for most kegerators. Embrace the vibrant spirit of Dia De Los Muertos. Transform your space with this stunning 10" tap handle. A conversation starter for your next party or gathering. A unique blend of art and utility for beer enthusiasts. 3/8" threaded hole 10" height Home bar essential The Modelo Especial Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Tap Handle stands at 10 inches tall, making it a striking addition to any home bar or mancave. With a 3/8" threaded hole, it fits most kegerators, allowing you to celebrate the rich culture of Dia De Los Muertos while enjoying your favorite brews.

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