
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures Doll & Accessories, Travel Set with Blonde Fashion Doll, Puppy & 10+ Pieces, Suitcase Opens & Closes

Product ID: 73579106

Pattern Name



🌍 Pack your dreams and travel in style! Includes a cute puppy for the ultimate travel buddy. Suitcase opens and closes for endless packing fun. Unleash your imagination with Barbie's travel set. Barbie's chic outfit and accessories are on point. Over 10 accessories to inspire young explorers. Puppy companion Collapsible suitcase Travel-themed fun The Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures Doll & Accessories Travel Set includes a blonde fashion doll, a puppy, and over 10 travel-themed accessories, all packed in a stylish pink suitcase with a collapsible handle. Perfect for imaginative play, this set encourages young explorers to dream big and embark on adventures near and far.

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