
Beverly HillsDoll Collection 18 Inch Doll Accessories Play Travel Set - 16 Pcs Suitcase Luggage Carrier with Sunglasses, Passport, Tickets, Camera, and More, Doll Not Included

Product ID: 81838502


✈️ Pack your doll's dreams and let the adventures begin! Ideal for birthdays or surprise gifts that spark joy! Your doll's adventure awaits with this chic travel set! Foster creativity and hand-eye coordination with every trip! Experience the thrill of travel with a suitcase that rolls! Everything your doll needs for a fabulous getaway! 16 essential travel pieces Durable, high-quality materials 8.9" x 1.7" x 3.5" suitcase The Beverly HillsDoll Collection 18 Inch Doll Accessories Play Travel Set includes a stylish suitcase and 15 additional travel-themed accessories, designed to enhance imaginative play and improve hand-eye coordination. Made from high-quality materials, this all-inclusive set is perfect for young travelers and makes an excellent gift for any occasion.

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