
Elite Sportz Ring Toss Games for Kids - Indoor Holiday Fun or Outdoor Yard Game for Adults & Family - Easy to Set Up w/Compact Carry - Backyard Toys, Gifts for Boys and Girls

Product ID: 9023606


🎯 Toss Your Way to Family Fun! Perfect for family gatherings and parties. Easily take the fun anywhere you go. Enhances hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Built to withstand outdoor elements. Encourages active play and social interaction. sturdy wooden base 5 durable rope rings 16.54 x 1.97 x 0.71 inches The Elite Sportz Ring Toss is a versatile and engaging game designed for both kids and adults, featuring 5 durable rope rings and a robust wooden base. Ideal for indoor and outdoor use, this game promotes physical activity and social skills while being easy to set up and transport.

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