
The Original Spider Prank Box- Funny Wooden Box Toy Spider Prank, Hilarious Christmas, April Fool, or Birthday Surprise Toy and Gag Gift Practical Joke Bromas Kit

Product ID: 91839226



🎉 Get ready to prank like never before! Perfect for all ages—everyone loves a good scare! Proudly designed and tested in the USA by a family company! Crafted from solid pine wood for a durable prank experience! New & improved construction ensures years of pranking fun! Manual operation means endless fun without the fuss! Classic prank Solid wood USA made The Original Spider Prank Box is a high-quality wooden prank toy designed for endless fun. Measuring 5 x 3.5 x 5 inches, this durable prank box is perfect for surprising friends and family, making it an ideal gift for any occasion. Proudly made in the USA, it requires no batteries and is suitable for all ages, ensuring laughter and joy for everyone involved.

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