
Crock-Pot 7 Quart Oval Manual Slow Cooker, Stainless Steel (SCV700-S-BR), Versatile Cookware for Large Families or Entertaining

Product ID: 997721




🍽️ Cook, Serve, and Impress with Ease! Removable stoneware insert is microwave and oven safe up to 400°F. One-pot cooking means fewer dishes; dishwasher-safe components. Easily serves 9+ people or fits a 7-pound roast. Choose between high or low settings with a warm function. Cook while you work or tackle daily tasks effortlessly. 825 watts power 7-quart capacity Dishwasher safe The Crock-Pot 7 Quart Oval Manual Slow Cooker is designed for large families or entertaining, featuring a generous 7-quart capacity, multiple cooking settings, and a stylish stainless steel exterior. Its convenient features and easy clean-up make it the perfect addition to any kitchen.

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