
Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant, Dry Skin and Diaper Rash Ointment, 14 Oz Jar

Product ID: 163894


🛡️ Protect their skin, embrace the love! Not just for babies! Parents can use it for dry hands, cracked heels, and more. Apply with every diaper change to shield against wetness and acidity. Perfectly safe for tender and delicate baby skin, soothing irritation and dryness. Clinically proven to restore smooth, healthy skin for your little one. Crafted without harmful chemicals, ensuring safety for your family. Gentle for babies 14 oz jar Diaper rash protection Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment is a versatile 14 oz skin protectant designed to soothe and heal dry skin and diaper rash. Clinically proven and paraben-free, it’s safe for babies and effective for parents too, making it an essential addition to any family’s skincare routine.

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