
Klein Tools RT250 GFCI Outlet Tester with LCD Display, Electric Voltage Tester for Standard 3-Wire 120V Electrical Receptacles

Product ID: 272328882



🔌 Power Up Your Safety Game! CAT II 135V rating ensures reliable testing across various applications. Bright LED indicators for instant wiring condition feedback. LCD display shows GFCI trip times for precise troubleshooting. Patent-pending tech identifies Open Neutral & Ground issues. Auto-Hold feature captures readings in hard-to-reach spots. Voltage Tester LCD Readout Fault Detection The Klein Tools RT250 GFCI Outlet Tester is a cutting-edge device designed for professionals, featuring a clear LCD display for easy voltage readings, advanced fault detection capabilities, and a user-friendly auto-hold function. With a CAT II 135V safety rating, this tester ensures reliable performance for all your electrical testing needs.

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